Saturday, April 10, 2010


Since I haven't got a clue how to make this blog an interesting place for people to visit, I'll just have to wait until I have the time and patience to do a decent job. Wait a minute... what does that button above, "layout" do?

Oh, won't let me navigate from this page.

Ok, so what is that "labels" box for at the bottom of this rectangle? I'll just type something in there and figure it out later.

Oh no, now I want to explore this further...

Back away from the computer Barb. Back away from the computer before you find another communications vehicle to keep you busier than you should be! LOL!

Let's see what happens now!

Thank goodness there is spell check!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rest Day

Discovered the hard way that even energizer Barb needs a day of rest. No bouncing today. Tilted in the sun at Nathan Phillips Square then figured a nap was a much better plan! Trying to avert the dreaded blob SPLAT! Now that would be just too messy! I'll just have to pull myself together - go from blob to barb again ... TOMORROW!

old friend's are Cutest!

I've known Bruce since Humber College = 30 years. I know now, I've known Jocelyn forever!

Old Friends are Cutest

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hello Blobbers

Yesterday; Splat! Do you know what that is? That's the sound of me hitting the wall!! Now you know the sound a blob makes when it hits the wall!!!!

Today; Oh...I didn't splat, I decided to bounce instead! (o: Which I will continue to do for the rest of the week!